About Us

Value Fuels Our Growth Our Mission - To create value for our customers by providing high quality wastewater purification and treatment systems and excellent service at below average cost; Trust and Confidence - The pursuit of this mission has enabled us to earn and retain the trust, confidence and business of our customers; Intimately Integrated - While the size and scope of our projects has grown, we have maintained our small company qualities that allow us to give personal attention to every project. The principals of the corporation are intimately integrated in all project work.

Why Choose Us

To create value for our customers by providing high quality wastewater purification and treatment systems and excellent service at below average cost.

Trust and Confidence

The pursuit of this mission has enabled us to earn and retain the trust, confidence and business of our customers.

Intimately Intergrated

While the size and scope of our projects has grown, we have maintained our small company qualities that allow us to give personal attention to every project. The principals of the corporation are intimately integrated in all project work.

Large and Small

We will continue to pursue work for small and large companies alike and provide solutions to industrial wastewater problems. Our goal remains providing quality through products and services that produce reasonable growth.

Use modern machinery

We always focus on updating new technologies in the process of working.